Ћирилица | Latinica
Castle of family Serviski, Novi Knezevac
  Castle of "Serviski" Novi Knezevac  

   Although it is cultural monument of greath importance, due to the change of purpose of the building into a state administration building and numerous partitions, the palace lost its authenticity of a landowners family building. This floored castle is one of the older, bigger and more luxurious ones in Vojvodina, and it was constructed in the late baroque style on the estate Turska Kanjiza which was in 1782 bought by Marko Serviski, an educated and respectabile citizen of the Magistrate in Novi Sad, thus acquainting the aristocratic title. His son Djordje left the castle and the estate to his sister's daughter who brought it as her dowry to Shulpe family. All the movable material was after the Second World War disappeared without any trace.

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